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How to Split an Asset
How to Split an Asset

A short guide on how to split an asset in Geora

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Written by Geora
Updated over a week ago

Splitting an asset in Geora allows you to take one asset and split that asset into two or more additional assets.

If you're looking for a more detailed use-case example, check out this guide instead.

There are a variety of use cases for Splitting an asset, such as:

  • Splitting one container of barley into multiple trucks heading out for delivery

  • Splitting a single load of vegetables into bags of equal amounts

  • Splitting beef into two separate batches to be processed on different dates or into different product lines

With this in mind, here's how to split an Asset in Geora:

Step 1: Locate the asset you would like to split via your Workspace, click the 3 dot icon to the left of the asset and choose 'Split asset'

Alternatively, you can also click on the asset and then use the 'Actions' dropdown menu to the top right to then choose 'Split asset'

Step 2: Set the amount you would like to split the asset to and choose the number of assets you would like to create (e.g. here we're choosing to turn one asset of 1000kg of barley into 8x individual 100kg assets).

Note: If you aren't using up the entire amount of the asset, you'll have an option to either keep the remaining amount or discard it.

Step 3: Click 'Split' to complete the splitting process

Step 4: Done! You can now navigate back to your Workspace to see and access all of the new assets you have just created.

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